Cannes Lions
MINDSHARE, Mumbai / LENOVO / 2015
Branded content in India is at a nascent stage and more often that not still synonymous with sponsorship and product placement .While several studies attribute the rise of Branded content integration as an extended version of Product
placements, it can be looked at as a more elaborate form of sponsored content. As per the above observation Brands can now be actually seen “funding television program or entertainment vehicle in exchange for more control of the content of the television program and the ability to coordinate commercials and promotions with the appearance of the product in the entertainment content. More often than not....this creates disruption for the end viewer and makes the brand look frivolous as its often not in the context. For instance if an FM CG brand is forced fit in a scene only because a soap or a movie is popular then its bound to have an adverse impact. One wouldn't want to see James bond with a shampoo bottle or detergent. Branded content is still classified into Passive/ active and hyperactive placement.
Bleat For India - Pledge your support
Was designed keeping in mind audience participation. All communication created asked to audience to participate in the journey with the girls. the audience could become part of this journey through sharing content, sending messages to the girls digitally and also using their phones through calling a particular number.
The content was designed to be distributed as a reality mini series, so if the audience watched one episode they would come back and watch the rest.
1) Two Point Increase in brand awareness
2) Highest SOV among tech brands during the Football WC.
3) Over 8.5 Million users reached in 2 weeks
4) 350000 users pledged their support
5) The content was shared by over 9k users
6) Media coverage from Leading TV Channels like Star Sports
The campaign brought to life our brand in a unique way and gave the consumer something to be truly proud of. We were able to give underprivileged girls a voice that rang through our country and that for us was the biggest success in this campaign.
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