Cannes Lions
DDB SPAIN, Madrid / VAESA / 2013
To communicate to a new database Volkswagen windshield wiper parts, we created an email knowing the email client would block the images. When users opened the message, they found, in the email’s table base, an image (without images) made up of 600X400 cells and 20X20 pixels in hexadecimal colors.
When they clicked to enable the images, the table’s cells became GIFs that together made up a fully-defined image, just like users when the windshield wipers in their Volkswagens are in good condition.
This piece communicates through the information the email contains, but especially through the way it enables the content, connecting it to the product, which are windshield wiper blades. The simile between cleaning the screen by enabling the images conveys very well the quality of original Volkswagen wipers.
Open rate: 36.5%
Click ratio: 44.2%
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