Cannes Lions
This engagement and connection required a prize fit for book and wine lovers so we created the Book Cellar Literary Wine Set.
• We took original story books and recreated them with covers adapted to have a more wine feel.
• Inside were not pages of the book but samples of TOPS' new Olive Brook range of wines.
• A condensed version of the book was printed onto the wine label of each bottle.
• This allowed the book-clubbers to know as much as they needed to know to be able to busk their way along to convincing their partners that they'd be reading the book, at book club, when in fact they'd been drinking the contents (of course, without spoiling the story for themselves).
• Allowing themselves to do what we know most people do anyway at their book clubs - enjoy good company and good wine.
The campaign was initially run for a period of 2 months (8 June 2016 to 8 Aug 2016) to test the idea and gauge the reaction of the book-clubbers.
So successful was the promotion that TOPS has continued the promotion to this date - still using their Facebook page as the channel to communicate with the clubs - and giving away a literary box set every month.
The Tops & Tales book cellar campaign was a hit for TOPS at SPAR, generating engagement and delivering on the core brand positioning:
The campaign delivered huge successes. Against it’s objectives, of engagement, participation and driving loyalty, the campaign success included:
1. An engagement rate of 307,82% over target or 15,391, delivering a saving of R112,708.04 and value add of R346,937.89;
2. A conversion rate of 560.23% of target (18.21%), giving a value add of R768,319.01;
3. An inclusion rate (actual authors and artists included in the final book) of 173 – 432.5% of target giving TOPS at SPAR a saving of R128,342.33.
4. Total campaign saving of R378,193.28;
5. Total campaign financial value add of R1,670,337.49;
6. Total campaign ROI of R1,837,279.02 or 1100.55%.
TOPS and Tales fans grew by 163% in just over 18 days. This niche, highly engaged community now sits at over 24 300 fans.
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