Cannes Lions

Brastemp Next: The A.I. consumer journey

WHIRLPOOL, Sao Paulo / BRASTEMP / 2018

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Many retailers are trying to achieve the next level of products selling. Analyse data to recommend products it's not a new subject, as we have many companies working on that since early 2000's.

What Brastemp is doing is slightly different, for a technical point of view, but has a huge difference for customer experience point of view. Our data analysis are focused on delivery the best journey experience and not to push products to customers. We do understand that customers are human beings and not only numbers navigating trough an digital interface.

Based on this feeling, we mixed some data analysis algorithm for gattering online, offline and behaviour information to predict customers intention and provide them the exactly information that they are looking for. Engineers mixed toghether different types of algorithms and techniques that rose precision on content delivery decision for each customer that visit Brastemp's website, creating countless kind of journeys for each customer moment.

These data algorithms has the power to decide content, layout and even create new pages that customer will access, based on their journey moment and behaviour analysis.


We've started with and extensive but fast research. Our team interviewed more than 30 project stakeholders and studied more than 100 trends references before start drawing Brastemp new customer experience.

Our user experience specialists started to do "try and learn" solutions to our main mapped based on fail fast mindset. Using current website structure, new elements were tested and validated over the process. Developers and solution's architects, trhough agile methods, started to bring interfaces to life.

Character design speciliasts deep dived into Brastemp brand book and customer expectations to create Brastemp Consultant. Alied to cognitive analystis, we developed an conversational interface, that help users based on natural language.

User Inteface designers based their creation on the following trends: long page scroll, minimalism, micro interactions, parallax, gridless and strong colors. Mixing this trends with Brastemp guideline, we've created a modern and sofisticated design that delivery information to each journey step for Brastemp customers.

All solution was planned and created to be scalable, flexible and safe. The whole process gives to our customer the brand essence: a brand that it's modern, sofisticated and that sets up tendency.

Importants touch points were redesigned, such as buying process, customer post sale experience and product information and recommendation. As this project is the basis for new implementation, much more will come.

This project has aproximetely 9 months from start to go live. We're on schedule to delivery this whole new experience before october 18.


Brastemp website will bring customer experience to the next level, as we are delivering not only products or content, but a whole experience trough data analysis.

After this project, Brastemp customers will have all trivial tasks done by the half of the time that they usually do today. Also, with Brastemp Consultant (an virtual assistant based on natural language understanding) we create a new channel that customer could interact 24 hours and 7 days per week.

These new journey possibilities will generate tons of data that will allow us to delivery even better experience each time, increasing experience on every new customer that visits our website. All data will be shared with the different areas of the company, generating a new internal chain of benefits, that eventually will produce new products and even better ones.

Customer care will be empowered with data insights that will allow call centers to solve problems faster and precise. Automatized process will help to save time for customers and for internal operation, allowing Brastemp to focus on customer real matter problems increasing the whole post purchase experience.

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