Cannes Lions

BRAVE is the new resources for Women with Breast Cancer


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BRAVE is about power and information. Through power comes hope, life and love. And it starts with being BRAVE: Breast Restoration Advocacy and Education.

Prior to developing BRAVE creative, research was conducted around the color pallet and imagery of the campaign. In the U.S., Caucasian and African American women have the highest incidence rate of breast cancer with Asian and Hispanic American women following closely behind. In lieu of soft pastels, earth tones were chosen to reflect the diversity of the patient community. Research also found that both patients and physicians responded more positively to "restoration" versus “reconstruction” as it speaks to more than just the repair of breast tissue."

Timing is a critical issue in restoration—this is the beginning of the patient journey and everything we share is about getting the information you need and following the right step, right now. Don't rush, but don't wait. Be BRAVE.


The BRAVE launch campaign comprised of:

• This patient-focused site provides information on the mission of BRAVE Coalition, breast restoration rights, the importance of timing and how BRAVE Coalition helps patients, as well as how to support BRAVE’s mission.

• BRAVE Coalition brochure: The brochure provides BRAVE Coalition with an overview brochure that explains the organizations’ mission and how to get involved with BRAVE.

• BRAVE Day launch event: Coinciding with BRAVE Day on March 21st, this fundraising event featured keynote speaker, Regina Fearmonti M.D., Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and was held in San Antonio, TX.

• Social Media:

o A content schedule was created for the BRAVE social media outlets to help the BRAVE team deliver timely and relevant content

• BRAVE has been featured on three TV news stations

• We have met with the governors of three states about recognizing BRAVE day as an official holiday.


Since the official launch at the March 21, 2017 BRAVE Day event, the results have been tremendous. The BRAVE launch press release has been picked up by 100+ national outlets. Attendance and fundraising goals were met for the BRAVE Day event on March 21, 2017 and social media followers have been growing week over week.

But we’re just getting started. Greater than 50% of women should know of their breast restoration rights. Greater than 20% of women should have access to breast restoration after diagnosis. Plastic Surgeons should be compensated by insurance to cover their costs. Women of minority status should have the right to restoration options through BRAVE as we look to find doctors that will help them receive surgery. Patients, caregivers and loved ones need support throughout their journeys. BRAVE won’t stop until these goals are met.

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