Cannes Lions

Bringing People Together One Cup at a Time


Presentation Image
Demo Film






In the film, shot by an US based filmmaker, we see a young girl sitting down to a cup of tea with her dad. She looks nervous but we don’t know why. As he sits down in front of her and takes a sip of his tea, there is knock on the door.

‘I didn’t know you were having a friend over’ dad says

‘Dad, this is Amy’ she says, introducing him to the young girl who has walked in, 'She's not just a friend. She's my girlfriend.’

We see the dad stand up and leave the room and the two girls look devastated. He comes back with another cup of tea.

'Hi Amy. Tell me a little bit about yourself' he says


Brooke Bond crowdsourced creative ideas from a community of filmmakers and a filmmaker was commissioned based on the simplicity and relevancy of his idea. Once the script had been agreed, the filmmaker was given creative freedom to shoot the piece as he saw fit.

The film went live in October 2017 on Canadian TV channels and online media placements. It ran for a week on TV and had 2 months of paid online media promotion. The media campaign was also paired with an influencer campaign to effectively land the brand POV and authentically encourage discussion. Throughout the program, Brooke Bond created an engaged digital Red Rose community.


Overall, this campaign drove strong awareness of the :60 sec asset delivering approx. 7.9MM+ impressions and 3.6MM+ video views, with 1.5k likes on YouTube. It had a VTR of 36% versus a 16.5% CPG benchmark.

But more importantly, it was received hugely well by Canadian audiences with the YouTube video receiving majority positive comments which supported the campaign message and from consumers sharing their love for the brand. The Brand Love Study showed that the lift in awareness and consideration was best in class of all Canadian CPG studies with 40.3% of viewers more likely to consider buying Red Rose.

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