Cannes Lions

Bruise Automat


Presentation Image
Demo Film
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To raise awareness for the numbers of domestic violence in Germany, we used a Berlin icon: the photo booth. We created a customized photo booth, equipped with facial recognition technology, and placed it in Berlin’s busiest station. A special algorithm detected when a woman was about to take a picture and applied bruises to one of the four photos - mirroring the one-in-four statistic, and surprising her with a powerful message: “If it happens to one in four, it might be happening to you, to a friend, or a relative. Don’t ignore it, come forward. Together we can #ChangeThisPicture”. The video of the stunt was released on Facebook and YouTube, in German and English, to reach a broader audience. National and international media, celebrities and even other women’s rights associations shared our message with millions of their followers, encouraging more people to break the silence and seek help.


On March 8th, International Women’s Day, a photo booth customized with facial recognition was installed in Berlin’s busiest station. An algorithm detected when a woman was inside and applied bruises to one of the four photos. Each photo strip had a message: “1 in 4 women in Germany are victims of domestic violence. Even if it’s not happening to you, it might be happening to someone you know. Don’t ignore it, come forward. We can help. Together we can #ChangeThisPicture”, along with the helpline number and Terre des Femmes' website, where people could find information and counseling.

Terre des Femmes posted the video of the stunt on Facebook and Youtube, in German and English, on April 5th. Despite being meant for Germany, in two weeks these videos reached a global audience via international media, celebrities, and other women’s rights associations who shared them with millions of followers.


The video of the stunt quickly spread to media outlets around the world - receiving coverage in 18 different languages and igniting a debate on violence against women. Dozens of women's rights associations from across the globe got behind the initiative and shared our campaign with their audiences - encouraging even more women to come forward and break the silence.

In just two weeks, Terre des Femmes' awareness message reached approximately 21 million contacts in Germany and around the world, with a media spend of 0- Euro.

Visits to Terre des Femmes' Facebook page went up by more than 2.000%, social media engagement increased 1.700%, and traffic to the website ( grew by 50,5%.

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