Cannes Lions


THE MILL , London / AXE / 2014







The power of the 'Lynx' effect can even prevent world destruction, according to agency's campaign for the deodorant brand.

This spot plays on the concept that men are less aggressive when they are in love.

In a series of vignettes we see potentially catastrophic situations averted by the power of Axe's new deodorant named Peace.

From dictator doppelgangers including North Korea's Kim Jong-un and the former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad looking full of menace until the Axe effect kicks in.


Production company shot lens grids for each lens at every focal length to deal with the old Japanese Anamorphic lens distortions that showed up in the plates.

Digital set extensions on all the Eastern Europe scenes were created, as well as adding in bullet hits and destruction on all the buildings and adding in the CG under carriage of the tank. The top part for the tank was constructed and driven around on set atop of a 4-wheel motorcycle. The CG team at the production company then modeled and animated the chain wheels, which in turn were composited into the anamorphic scenes using Nuke and a final finish in Flame.

We also created the wide Korean scenes from elements collected on location. Many stills and some plates of the army and missile carrying vehicles were shot and the backgrounds were then matte painted to match the references.

For the army parade, we utilized Houdini's procedural workflow to create and choreograph the crowd, creating a particle layout system with custom attributes controlling everything from position to skin tone. The crowd layout was exported and rendered in Arnold, which was then composited with live action over matte paintings.

For the Vietnam scenes, a full CG Huey and a Hybrid Huey based on the civilian helicopter that was originally shot were created by the 3D team. These assets were then used to create the photo real squadron of helicopters; seamlessly tracked, animated and rendered into the shots.

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