Cannes Lions


WHYBIN\TBWA, Sydney / NRMA / 2011


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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In Australia, you can’t lend your mate your car unless you nominatethem on your insurance policy first. Unless you’re with NRMAInsurance. To prove that we cover anyone who drives your car, we gave a guycalled Tom a car on the condition that he shared it with the entirecountry (that’s 21 million people).


Before we gave Tom the car on the condition that he shared it with theentire country, we fitted the car with numerous cameras. So, everytime someone flagged him down and got behind the wheel, we got morecontent. This fun and engaging content then became our TVCs which werethen broadcast to tell more people where to find Tom and his car sothey could have a drive. Consumers could also locate Tom (and his car)on Twitter, Facebook, radio and the insurer’s website. Tom could runbut he couldn’t hide. We also integrated a competition in whichconsumers could win their own car which was skinned with all theprofile pictures of their Facebook friends (who they’d inevitably haveto share the car with).


The campaign was extremely successful, garnering more leads than ever before. In the first 9 weeks 3,325,853 Australians engaged with the campaign. To put that in perspective, Australia’s entire population is less than 21 million. So that’s 1 in every 7 Australians. Of that figure, 1,969,249 were web visits (+16%), 324,408 were sales calls (+25%) and 1,032,196 were face to face branch visits (+11%). And with a conversion rate of 24% we sold over 800,000 car insurance policies.

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