Cannes Lions


ADAM&EVEDDB, London / MARS / 2016

Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Scale Drawing
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All cat owners crave more fun with their cat.

And our brand has always been about cat and owner sharing spontaneous playtimes together.

So in 2015 we created THE TEMPTATIONS LAB™ to research the future of cat / cat owner fun.

A workshop for the brightest minds on the planet to explore new frontiers of fun.

A place where imaginative “written on a napkin” whimsy is made real.

For our first product, we wanted to answer a question as old as human civilization.

If research shows cats only meow to communicate with humans, what are they actually trying to say?

What if we could give them the power of human speech?

That way we would enjoy more playful connections with our feline friends.

Needless to say, such a product or innovation did not currently exist…


CATTERBOX™ is a prototype.

We wanted to gauge mass interest to see whether to bring the product to market or move on to our next innovation.

So our launch in New Zealand was designed to do just that.

At the campaign’s heart was a film showcasing the product’s development to date in all its sleek, 3D printed, rubber-lacquered glory.

Supported with additional films of the collar in action.

We promoted these across social platforms (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube) and supplemented with VOD and video seeding.

Bespoke features were written and pitched to the media.

As well as celebrities, experts and other bloggers.

Extra video footage of the collar in action, plus owner (and cat!) interviews were captured to extend the campaign.

All activity drives to THE TEMPTATIONS LAB™ website for more detail on the product, our research and our mission to inject some serious fun into the lives of cats.


The campaign captured the press and public’s imagination.

The New Zealand launch was covered extensively by all major broadcast, print and online news networks.

Generating five TV stories – almost unprecedented for a commercial launch of this nature.

Worth NZD$300,0000+ in PR value.

This was just the start.

TEMPTATIONS™’ latest initiative to bring cats and owners together for spontaneous fun went global.

Making news headlines across 35 countries.

Within leading news, technology, lifestyle and pet media.

Brilliant for a global brand.

The social world went cat crazy.

Over 5 million video views in the first few days.

3.33 million were completely organic.

People were actively seeking out TEMPTATIONS™.

Our hero film has an average view-through-rate of 90%,


6000+ Twitter campaign mentions,

creating 73 million potential impressions,

The highest weekly spike in brand mentions ever.

The result: cat owners as excited about our brand as cats are about our product.

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