Cannes Lions
We launched a series of 15 versions of “dream bottle” and each bottle had a sentence re-defining the office life. We chose 5 topics from the 15 bottle designs, CLOCKING-IN, PANTRY, COLLEAGUES, LATE FOR WORK and SALARY to develop a fantasy drama happened in the office. Cha-Li-Won uses its self-deprecating humour to attract the junior office workers and make them feel sympathetic to the films, brings the workers positive energy to get rid of boring daily lives at work by having a sip of its aftertaste flavor. The film, combining fantasy, funning stories and interesting, compelling copy, went viral rapidly across boring offices.
The whole series film released across the internet media like online video and social media as the main platform, in the meantime, we also launched the 10sec edited version on the television to engage the interest.
To improve the reach to the customers, the film continued releasing on the screen of all the convenience store across the country for a short-term period. The 5 single episode edited version also released on the screen of the department store which belongs to the brand across Taipei city.
Consumers are totally attracted to Cha-Li-Won’s new bottle design, willingly collect the bottles and happily share their photos on SNS on their own initiative. And the content film successfully went viral and reached the goal within short term.
YouTube: 1,978,004 Views
Facebook: 3,705,881 Views
36,073 Likes 11,545 Shares 2,605 Comments
It received a good amount of media coverage of TV, like TVBS NEWS and online newspaper, like Apple Daily, CNA NEWS and China Times within 1 month.
Some Consumers Shared The New Bottle Design On Their Sns On Own Intiative, It Successfully caught Consumer’S Eyes To The New Bottle Design.
INSTAGRAM: Hashtag #CHA-LI-WON Presents A Day in the office: 282 Posts
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