Cannes Lions

Change the Work Climate

BBDO TORONTO, Toronto / BBDO / 2017

Case Film
Supporting Content
Presentation Image






The creative idea was a movement called #ChangeTheWorkClimate. It exposed the problem and the historical background behind (sexist) office AC levels. It also gave people an outlet to change it by providing them with a templated letter that anyone could send to their office building petitioning them to lower the AC levels.


At the peak of summer’s hottest temperatures, we launched a social movement called #ChangeTheWorkClimate. A video illustrated the problem (showing women in offices wearing jackets and scarves while the men wore shorts and t-shirts), and educated people on why office AC levels are so high (favouring the metabolic rate of men, who naturally run warmer than women). Our website further educated people on why this is a problem, and enabled them to help change it by providing users with a letter they could send to their office buildings petitioning them to lower their AC levels to make it more comfortable for everyone. While there was no paid media to support our cause, the campaign garnered immediate media attention.


The insight immediately resonated with women and men across Canada, sparking tons of discussions and debates. As the movement gained momentum people began to organically use the #ChangeTheWorkClimate hashtag. We were interviewed by major Canadian news outlets (CBC, Global, Newstalk 1010, CTV), generating 13,213,575 earned impressions. All with absolutely no budget.

The letter was downloaded just under 500 times, bringing awareness to an issue that half the population didn’t know existed. Our office building (one of the largest in Toronto) even lowered their AC levels (finally!) immediately after the campaign launched.

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