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PHD, Sydney / GLAXO SMITH-KLINE / 2019
Children’s Panadol was in rapid sales decline.
First-time mums with children 0-1 years believed competitors were more effective for their babies’ pain-relief.
Panadol was no longer trusted as the most efficacious treatment.
Challenge: To reach new mums and increase perceptions around efficacy and trust whilst halting declining sales.
First time mums with children 0-1 years are a critical business segment. Lose them within the first year of motherhood, lose them for life.
Mums were turning away from Children’s Panadol because it wasn’t seen as effective.
This was a big misconception.
Research uncovered that it wasn’t that Panadol was less effective, it was that mums were using it incorrectly. Using babies ages to calculate dosage and NOT their weight.
This was further quantified through search behaviours with very few instances of mum even looking for dosage when compared with other heavy and constant searches (fever, teething colds, immunisation)
First time mums with children 0-1 years are a critical business segment. Lose them within the first year of motherhood, lose them for life.
Mums percieved Children’s Panadol as ineffective.
This was a misconception
Research uncovered that mums were using babies ages to calculate dosage and NOT their weight.
Through analysing her search behaviour we found a way back in.
First Time mums are more receptive to information when in search of questions they are looking for, or rather problems they are trying to solve. They are voracious in their appetite to find an answer to stop their baby’s suffering from fever, teething, colds or immunisation. To be relevant we had to always be there when they were looking and be part of the solution.
We knew that if we could take a leadership position within these popular topic areas, we could then raise our dosage story with credibility.
We needed to be always on and always relevant, with solutions mum was looking for, when and where she needed them, to open the door to dosing.
We would do this by using search insights to uncover the most relevant and motivating content for first time mums, create our own pool of solution-based content, which then allows us to weave practical dosage content into the mix.
Sounds simple. But it wasn’t.
First time Australian mums with children 0-1 are notoriously hard to find in media. There are only 133,000 and are a segment that changes every month (circ. 25,000 new babies are born each month).
The standard industry target of ‘Mum with children 0-5years’ was useless for us.
It created too much wastage, didn’t allow us to make the all-important first impression with ‘First Time’ mums, and didn’t allow us to talk to the ‘revolving door’ of new first-time
Campaign began: 22/04/2018
We built our own machine learning algorithm, trawling the web conducting over 8 billion observations every 24 hours enabling us to accurately identify our ‘First time mums with Children 0-1’.
The algorithm looked at; topics of interest, natural language, sentiment made possible with 1st, 2nd (Kidspot) & 3rd party data through DMP integrations. The Kidspot Baby data agreement was an important hygiene factor that allowed us to qualify our first time mum across our full DMP.
It knew the information each mum was looking for (e.g. teething), the media environment she was in (e.g. The Daily Mail,) then served her the most suitable format. These matches were actioned in real-time to meet each mum’s individual need at any moment.
In a global first we activated our algorithm across all major platforms- including Walled Gardens like YouTube.
Google allowed us to Beta test our bespoke targeting approach.
Target audience match-rate for algorithm was a staggering 96.7%
Hyper-relevant content tracked 92%-95% for believability the norm being 57% (Milward Brown).
Children’s Panadol was back into #1 position against key efficacious measures. (IPSOS)
13% “children’s pain reliever brand I would trust” Goal was 10%
17 % “more effective than other children’s pain reliever” Goal was 12%
21% “can start to reduce fever quickly” Goal was 14%
Category in decline -3.8%. Our main competitor back -4.6% (Mat Value YA). Despite this Children’s Panadol maintained value and increased share of sales by 4.6% yoy (MAT YA). (Nielsen).
“We are blown away by the results. They took a specific problem and solved it through an insightful strategy, powered by data and tech” Cat Douglas Head of Media GSK ANZ
Algorithm was awarded #1 Innovation Program recently by the AFR.
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