Cannes Lions

Cialis Erectile Dysfunction videos

VERTIC, Copenhagen / ELI LILLY / 2017

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Most HCPs tend to talk to patients at a level focusing on rational and product benefits. Through our big data insights (Digital IQ) we discovered that in order to understand the conditions, talk to patients and treat them effectively, HCPs need to understand the patient value systems and emotions– both from the point of view of the conditions and how the treatment can help emotionally and drive QoL. This insight shaped our decision for the campaign to follow the ‘Heart to Brain’ model to help HCPs understand and talk to patients, focusing on values and emotional issues/benefits.

Through a combination of Big Data insights (Digital IQ) and workshops with HCP thought leaders, we identified the emotional aspect of the disorder to be important, and identified it as the whitespace opportunity. While generics focus on price, Cialis in the past usually focused on the scientific and data-driven benefits.


In order to translate our communication concept into digital tactics, we broke the concept into 4 different perspectives: KOL, Patient, Education, and Brand, creating content modules for each. We then unfolded the perspectives and content modules to create a digital eco-system such as social media, email, apps, search, and salesforce, all leading back to an HCP or Patient content hub website.

The primary focus of the relaunch campaign was the videos we created. The concept of a split-screen demonstrated this gap between a man’s self-perception and his new physical reality. We illustrated that the man in certain situations doesn’t feel like his true old self. But since this feeling is not constant but can be triggered by certain situations, we did not have the split-screen throughout the entire video.

We launched the campaign, producing a master version that was handed over for execution and localization.


(Apr-Dec 2016)

1.8.000 GPs and 1.700 Urologist and Physicians reached by Video Newsletters (GAP videos)

2.Views: 100% GAP video content view, more than 10.000 views on the YouTube Lilly Italia

3.Website w. GAP Videos: more than 200k page views from April to Dec 2016 - one of the most visited pages is the one including the GAP videos (called “The patient story”)

4.Sales: Overall outstanding sales performance in 2016 (+11% vs 2015)

5.HCP positive feedback from physicians about the way the videos clearly demonstrate the emotional QoL impact.

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