Cannes Lions


ACCENTURE SONG, Madrid / BBVA / 2024

Case Film
1 of 0 items






The rise of online fraud challenges banks to set new goals in their business model beyond the purely financial sphere:

- To reduce the number of scams affecting customers.

- To decrease the number of claims that customers register with the bank after being scammed.

- To boost NPS.

The campaign's aim is to raise awareness among BBVA customers in order to prevent online fraud, explaining how scams tend to work, how easy it is to be deceived, and what to do to prevent it.


The figure of the hacker is a very important element in this campaign's creativity, for two reasons:

1. We had to convey that anyone can be a hacker, and not succumb to the stereotype of technological types, as anybody can be scammer of this kind.

2. He had to be an actor with great skills, specialized in humour, adaptable, memorable, and someone with whom any member of our target group could empathize, so that he would end up viewing the content. We were looking for an actor that could transmit an intelligent kind of humour. We wanted it to be more fun than comical.


For the past year, thanks to this and other actions to raise customers' awareness, and the actions of our IT staff, fraud has been slashed by 20%.

- Email opening rate: 36.51% (increased the average by 5%)

- Impacts after the first month of the launch with the exclusive use of internal and organic media:

- Total views: 694,740

o Lourdes spot views: 244,077

o Views of tutorials: 450,663

- SMS video tutorial: 177,368

- Email video tutorial: 31,892

- Calls video tutorial: 241,403

We should highlight that this campaign has not featured any type of investment in media.

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