Cannes Lions



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Within the context of branded entertainment in Czech Republic, Vodafone CR's strategy to communicate products and services to its target customers has developed into a unique project, which manages to deliver branded content through a number of media and platforms. In 2004, while the branded content environment in Czech Republic was still in its infancy, Vodafone took advantage of the market gap and replaced the standard brochure format, featuring sterile phone and service offer layout, with a sexy corporate lifestyle magazine: the biggest on the market. Besides serving its readership a ‘portion of a pretty wicked read’, ČiliChili magazine also incorporates a hard sale section with choice of mobile phones and programs. In order to engage customers further, the project launched an online version of the magazine together with a Facebook fan page in late 2008. In this way, Vodafone managed to establish a certain sub-brand, well known to the public, with a firm fan base on Facebook currently counting 25,539 people, magazine readership of 250,000 (with more than 2 readers per copy) and an online version with average 180,000 unique views per month. In late 2011, the project went SoLoMo and developed its first app, WC Guide.


Various platforms were used during this campaign. An elaborate feature design employed creative QR codes, placed on the magazine's cover and inside the feature section, leading to a viral video embedded on a microsite running under the magazine's online version and to its Facebook fan page. The microsite further contained a link to the Android market for downloading WC Guide. The Facebook fan page also contained a making-of video, and a photo-reportage of the guerrilla installation of toilet booths with QR codes, in a frequented public space. All online branded content contained ‘Like’ buttons to ensure effective spread across social networks.


Within 1 month following the launch of the campaign, the app reached 10,000 downloads (CR has 190,000 smartphones using permanent data service). Out of the total downloads, 2,000 were via the creative QR codes placed in the magazine issue of 125,000 copies, the making-of video (placed on the Facebook page), the online version of the magazine, as well as on the toilet booths (installed in a frequented public space and used by hundreds of people). There were also 132 check-ins at those toilet booths during their month-long guerrilla installation. As for media coverage, the launch of the campaign drew attention both on part of all major news portals, as well as on 3 out of 5 major dailies. Owing to the response triggered by its practical and gamification dimensions, the application further caught the eye of one of the biggest commercial TV stations in the Czech Republic, TV Nova, which decided to cover its story full-time in an infotainment show called ‘Weekend’, thus reaching an average prime time audience share of 42% in the 15-54 target group. The launch also triggered an increase in customer flow in Vodafone shops, with vendors using the app to demonstrate benefits of mobile internet.

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