4129GREY, Istanbul / RENAULT / 2020
Radio is very popular medium among drivers. For this reason, it was the best medium to explain how the new Clio's Active Emergency Brake Assist System works. With the help of its sensors and cameras, Clio 5 detects potential collisions while traveling forward and brakes automatically thanks to the Active Emergency Brake Assist System. We decided to turn it into an auditory experience with our radio spots. Our radio spots were recorded in 3 parts. The first part, the part that detects the next brand's ad. At the second part, the next brand's radio spot starts. And, the third part includes the pack-shot of our Clio 5 ad. Our radio spots were on the air by detecting the yoghurt, buttermilk and bank ads. In this way, we explained the detection and warning features of the Active Emergency Brake Assist System in a unique way.
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