Cannes Lions


BBC CREATIVE, London / BBC / 2017

Presentation Image
Digital Proof JPG
Case Film
Supporting Content
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Clique is a show about a financial company called Solasta that seduces female university students into working for them. To engage 16-24 year olds we set Solasta up as a real company and sent out a recruitment film inviting them to apply for their internship program.


The tease stage of our campaign engaged our young audience by offering them the one thing they wanted most, an internship at a glamorous company. The strange and sinister nature of the Solasta company created talk-ability and encouraged them to comment and share. We then used the buzz created by this to launch our brand trailer getting huge reach and making sure everyone had heard of the new show called Clique. We then sustained interest by creating Clique photo booths were groups of friends could go and be photographed with their Cliques and post the pictures on social media. We also ran a poster in Edinburgh city centre that further fueled the feminist debate.


34% of people who saw our recruitment film shared it

And millions of young people interacted

Twitter 1.5 m people, Facebook 1.9m people, Instagram 2.1m people

The first episode got 1,422,773 views

And the total series request was 4,983,918 views

Making it one of BBC three’s most talked about and successful campaigns ever

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