Cannes Lions
PIANO B, Milan / DIESEL / 2010
We converted into actions the Be Stupid concept, conceiving a series of activities in public places able to draw attention and make people interact, turning passers-by into active promoters of the new philosophy. We created speaking human billboards. We invaded the streets positioning unmistakable flags and placards. We carried an ambush marketing operation that took place around the Sanremo Music Festival. Finally, we involved the public in the artistic direction of the Be Stupid Video Festival and contest: an original selection of genially stupid Youtube videos, selected and realised by users and projected at a cinema theatre in Milan.
-10 days of activity.-11 Italian cities: Milan, Sanremo, Turin, Padua, Rome, Bologna, Siena, Perugia, Pisa, Naples, Bari.-4000 flags raised along the streets and hung on balconies.-4000 Be Stupid t-shirts distributed.
-300 placards used during the ambush marketing activity.
-40 videos selected and projected at the Video Festival.The activities had a great and more than expected success among the public, who actively participated in all of them, and fulfilled our client’s expectations. At the end of the campaign we estimated more than 1.000.000 direct contacts who are now part in all respects of the Be Stupid movement.
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