Cannes Lions


AQUA, Johannesburg / COCA-COLA / 2014

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Case Film






But could a swing do more, like grass a field at an underprivileged school? #swingforgood was born.

We turned Android phones into swing counters and placed them in the swings. An app accessed the phone’s accelerometer, and for each swing we’d plant grass.

We hung swings in two locations and people swung.

People could also swing digitally; for each like, tweet or share we’d swing for them. A Facebook app housed content and tracked progress.

We also created the world’s first tweeting swings. By monitoring the web service we identified inactive swings and that swing would then tweet, encouraging participation.


In just 3 days, with no pre-campaign awareness and no above-the-line support, we reached our goal. With 996 000 swings recorded, we began to grass the soccer field at Skeen Primary School.

We also:

• Got 500 000 more eyes on brand

• Trended nationally on Twitter.

We also achieved a goal we didn’t expect. Word spread all the way to Sydney, New York, London and Paris; they have adopted #SwingForGood and will be swinging to grass fields at other underprivileged schools in South Africa.

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