Cannes Lions

Columnists (Un)Known


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If awareness is a powerful weapon to fight violence against women, information is their main ammunition. Instead of traditional ads, the (UN)KNOWN COLUMNISTS project used the female voices of one of Brazil's largest circulation newspapers as a vehicle for this message, in a campaign where 100% of the content was created by the journal. Each columnist heard the story of a victim of violence and recounted it in her column in the first person. The text style respected each author, but the titles already caught the attention of the audience, as if they were actually telling a personal story. At the end of the text, they revealed that the story did not happen with them, but rather with one of the 12 thousand women victims of violence every day in the country - and invited readers to reflect on the subject and to report the aggressors.


We teamed up with one of the most prestigious NGO to select the victms. Then we invited all of the newspapers columnists and bloggers to join the project. Each one of them was assigned a victim that represented one type of violence against women: from feminicide to

porn revenge – we wanted to cover even the things that people dont usually recognize as violence or abuse. Each writer interviewed their assigned victim and rewrote the story. In first person. On International Women's Day, they all put aside their subjects of expertise and used their columm spaces to publish the violence stories. All of the activation content was opened to public – even the hard paywalls areas. With strong titles and bold narratives written in first person, they took over the news and grabbed everyone’s attention.


We got 92,5% of the newspapers’ colummnists and bloggers to join the project. They represent a big part of the audience one the largest newspapers in Brazil. On the day of the activation, several other influential women spontaneously engaged in commenting and sharing the stories on social media and even telling their own experiences regarding the matter of violence against women.

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