Spikes Asia

Connect with the foundation.

DENTSU INC., Tokyo / TOKAI / 2022

Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Content






TOKOSEN is a school that nurtures professional architects & civil engineers. Here, students learn the foundations of the skill that is essential on construction sites, that is connecting with people, and the foundations of construction technology as their education.

The most important part of a building is its foundation, and

creative architecture can only be built when it has a strong foundation. We created an art installment to send this message to our students and prospective students, as well as their parents.


The motif that we used is a Famous and beloved architecture that has stood the test of time. Using string line levels that are indispensable in forming the foundations of buildings and civil structures, Many people, including students and lecturers, were involved in the production that was supervised by a creator.


・Under the supervision of a creator, teachers and students alike used string lines to establish horizontal levels.

・Pamphlet: Uses thread binding to link it with the image of string line levels.

・Display: Installed on the school grounds, it welcomed many of our prospective students.


The art installation was completed and displayed in the school.

By communicating the artwork in various media, Such as events, posters, brochures, and on websites, We were able to convey the charms of architecture and civil engineering to many prospective students and succeeded in gaining their interest.

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