Cannes Lions

Coolest Suit on the Planet

TBWA\SYDNEY, Sydney / M.J. BALE / 2018


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film
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Supporting Content
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Our idea: The Coolest Suit on the Planet

We dressed a weatherman for the ultimate heat-seeking mission: to forecast, fly to, and report from the 4 hottest places on earth over 2-weeks, all while keeping his cool in M.J. Bale suits.

The audience back in Australia would interact with Alex through Facebook Live by ‘treating’ him or ‘torturing’ him with hot or cold challenges, determining how he’d conclude live broadcasts. Australians could even test the actual temperatures he was experiencing in real time at ‘Hottest Change Room on the Planet’ - saunas set up in M.J. Bale stores that served as product demonstrations where the public could road test the Cool Wool suits to the same conditions as Alex.


Every day, Alex did a weather report via Facebook Live and Instagram stories, proving it wasn’t staged. He would predict where the hottest place in the world would be the following day.

Viewers were invited to engage in our content by ‘liking’ to reward him with cool treats like an aircon SUV or ‘laughing’ to torture him with spicy hot foods and gruelling camel journeys through the desert.

In Australia we invited media, influencers and consumers to come have a fitting in an MJ Bale store. We then challenged them to torture test their Cool Wool suit in the ‘Hottest Change Room on the Planet’ where the temperature was set in real time (in a purpose built sauna change room) to the heat that Alex was facing in the hottest places on the planet.

This experience was then shared out across the social channels of influencers, consumers and the brand.


Even our biggest sceptics became believers….

892% increase in search volume for M.J.Bale suits

13.4% of all sales during the campaign period were across the new ‘Cool Wool’ range against a target of 8%

57% increase in foot traffic in-store during the campaign period

11200 suits sold during Spring/Summer – 145% of our target achieved.

Delivered a return on investment of 7:1

PR & Social Stats :

Coverage in tier one media – Fairfax, News Corp, Huffington Post, GQ, Mashable

Over 95 pieces of editorial coverage - achieving a reach of 20,350,596

Social engagements increased by 250%

Over 500K social video views and 8500 engagements with social content.

Total social reach was 1.4m, the successful of any campaign to date

And of course, one slightly broken weatherman – who never lost his cool

Similar Campaigns

12 items

2 Cannes Lions Awards



2016, M.J. BALE

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