Spikes Asia

Corona Plastic Pay


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Case Film
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Ocean pollution is a global crisis for decades, despite numerous cleanups organized around the world, ocean plastic waste is still increasing every year.

Because 80% of ocean pollution comes from inner land rooted in consumers’ daily life.

Corona decided to re-invent plastic waste disposal by going beyond the beach to people’s daily life. Corona therefore launched a creative ocean protection campaign -- Plastic Pay. It turns the recycled plastic waste into digital currency, encouraging consumers to recycle plastic waste in daily life.


Simply put your plastic waste into the machine, the machine will automatically weigh them and convert the weight into a corresponding value of a digital coupon in return. These coupons can be used directly at Hema, one of China’s largest supermarkets, to deduct cash during shopping. And Hema is exactly where the machines are placed.That means consumers can bring the plastic waste they collect from daily life to the supermarkets, convert the plastic to digital currency, do the shopping and pay with the newly generated coupons. It’s just that simple, that straightforward, that convenient.


The brand chose Hema as the platform to launch the activity. Hema is one of China’s largest supermarkets. It widely embraces new technologies so it is especially popular among the young generation. As one of the most influential supermarkets in the region and a big-name national chain store, nine stores placed the Plastic Pay system during the execution. This brought about 135,000 participation of all ages, largely covering the neighbourhoods.

Moreover, there is 54% repeated participation and 90 million media impression, making the event a national movement. Corona brand got to have this huge exposure to the mass consumers nationwide.


• Implementation

Corona launched a creative ocean protection campaign -- Plastic Pay. It turns the recycled plastic waste into digital currency, encouraging consumers to recycle plastic waste in daily life, letting people know that the brand cares about the environment, cares about the earth, that brand is leading on the market in environmental protection and in advanced and social responsibility driven ideas like this.

• Timeline

2023.6.5 - 2023.6.30

• Placement

Nine Hema stores (one of the national top retailers) in Shenzhen, China

• Scale

Nine Hema stores (one of the national top retailers) in Shenzhen, China, with 135,000 participation of all ages.

Shenzhen is one of China’s tier one cities.


• Business impact – sales, donations, site traffic

135,000 Participants; immeasurable increase in brand affinity

• Response rate

135,000 Participants; 54% Repeated Participation

• Change in behaviour

135,000 Participants; 54% Repeated Participation

• Brand perception

135,000 Participants; 90 million Media Impression

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