Cannes Lions
GMMB, Washington / VISA / 2011
With Visa’s logo on billions of cards around the world, how could Visa explain it is more than a credit card company and create a stronger corporate identity?Using real life stories, Currency of Progress presents Visa as a global payments technology company and demonstrates how Visa digital currency helps individuals, businesses; governments and entire economies prosper and become more efficient.
The campaign came to life through a mix of media centred around an online hub, including videos and written case studies of Currency "Hero’s" worldwide, as well as white papers, blog entries and collateral materials for employees and policymakers.Especially given the recent financial crisis, Currency of Progress aims to have opinion leaders see Visa as part of the solution, instead of a source of the problem.To date, results indicate the campaign is having an impact; positive attitudes among stakeholders increased 9 percentage points in the first seven months of the campaign.
Visa Global Digital Currency + Network Participants = Positive Impact.
We began by creating the concept of "digital currency" and then the Currency of Progress corporate platform. It came to life with factual storytelling as the foundation, launching in late 2009. The stories are an integrated mix of media accessed through an interactive online hub: videos, blog entries, case studies and factsheets on the benefits of digital currency. Targeted opinion leader advertising was employed. A forum in Washington, D.C., in May 2010 demonstrated how digital currency improved government savings, efficiency and accountability. Visa also partnered with Moody’s Analytics on a study showing how expanded use of digital currency can increase an entire country’s GDP.Currency of Progress has become Visa’s story throughout their global corporate communications, appearing in events worldwide including the Vancouver Olympics and the Shanghai World Expo. The platform provides Visa’s 6,000+ employees, worldwide, a clear and compelling story of how their work improves people’s lives. The campaign is currently expanding and being translated in five languages.
Results from 22 focus groups:Showed positive attitudes toward Visa increased 9 percent among qualified stakeholders in Canada, Russia, US, Mexico, and India.Measurable shifts in perception from Visa being part of the problem to part of the solution.Employees enthusiastically embrace of Currency of Progress, as evidence of its usage in events around the world in countries like Japan, Brazil, Mexico and the U.S.
IPSOS Qualitative Research, August 2010: "Digital currency is mind-opening concept that links well to the overall benefits defined by the campaign.""Perceptions of Visa elevated to modern, updated and empowering." "Feels like a contemporary and selfless message appropriate from an industry leader.""Reinforces brand leadership." "Generates positive perception in the face of negative public opinion."Website Metrics:Over 44,000 unique visitors since launchOver 190,000 Page viewsVisits from 170 CountriesAverage return visitors spent over 13 minutes / visit.
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