Cannes Lions
The film is a visual illusion that allows the CR-V to be seen in a beautiful driving shot that loops endlessly. It is a 3D live action droste effect.
We open on a mountain road to reveal a stunning CR-V as it sweeps round a mountain road bend and up a corkscrew road. We travels towards the centre of the corkscrew and we glimpse the CR-V as it drives off.
We travel past a rock in the centre of the corkscrew and it turns into a mountain. There is another road with the CR-V driving past. This loop continues from day to night.
The film finishes with the voice over: "The road to better never ends".
Being an online film we needed to prepare for people accessing the video from all over the world, which meant pulling in different time zones and weather patterns simultaneously.
We created a bank of 15 weather and light situations and linked these to weather and time APIs then, using IP locations, we replicated the time and weather of the user’s location instantaneously.
To make it more engaging we added functionality that allowed users to see the weather and time of day in different cities; it was very important to make these transitions seamless, so that the endlessness wasn’t lost.
Since launch the video has been seen 500k views across all uploads of the film
We've had 40k interactions with the gadget with an average engagement time of 40". That is 18days of continuous engagement.
It was also awarded FWA Site of the Day 30th April.
The campaign went live on 7th April and we are awaiting the business results.
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