Cannes Lions

Crash Coverage


Case Film
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The energy drink market is overflowing with massive brands like Monster, Rockstar, and Red Bull that usually leave consumers feeling gross. MiO Energy, on the other hand, is a customizable water enhancer without the negative aftereffects. But in a market full of loud, hyper-masculine brands, no one was hearing us. MiO wanted to highlight the funny downsides of traditional energy drinks and playfully attack the biggest brands in the industry. We needed the campaign to engage our competitors’ consumers and use the hilarious real cases of energy drink disasters in a clever way. Gen Z, a generation informed by social media, that trusts influencers over brands, needed to discover MiO as the energy drink alternative that won’t lead to ill effects. But, how do we stand up to the big guys and make noise when social media is already flooded with energy drink marketing?


A crash is an episode of negative symptoms like fatigue, brain fog or jitters that occurs after consuming a high amount of sugar and caffeine. Turns out, this happens to over 55% of people after drinking an energy drink. Unlike conventional energy drinks, MiO provides energy without the awful aftereffects so, we addressed their issue head-on… There’s insurance to cover a car crash so, why not an energy drink crash? 

To show energy drink lovers that MiO has them covered, we created the first Energy Drink Insurance, covering the damages caused by the competition. For the first time ever, consumers could claim an energy drink crash. We made claiming easy; share a video or write-up through TikTok, describing a bad experience from an energy drink, for our claims adjuster to evaluate. We awarded various amounts of money depending on the “damages,” and MiO Energy to ensure they never crash again.


When we found out that consumers’ biggest issue with traditional energy drinks was the crash they experience after, we capitalized on the problem, positioning MiO Energy as the solution. For maximum impact, we wanted our campaign to be an experience that involved participants sharing their hilarious true stories describing the unfortunate effects of energy drinks.

For peak relevance, we ran our campaign when energy drink consumption skyrockets, exam season. We reached students suffering from energy drink crashes where they take their study breaks, TikTok. Gen Z normally ignores content from brands on social media. So, we made Jack Innanen, one of TikTok's most popular young personalities, our claims adjuster and the face of our campaign. His cheeky humor perfectly complimented our bold concept. Our target audience was enticed by the cash payout, the opportunity to share their experience, and the possibility of a reply from Jack himself.


We showed up on Gen Z’s feed when energy drink consumption was at an all-time high. Launching with satirical insurance videos using Jack as our claims adjuster. The unexpected collaboration, unusual offer, and tongue-and-cheek jabs at the industry’s biggest names sparked instant conversation. Energy drink victims were eager to get Jack’s attention and the claims poured in on TikTok. We couldn’t mention our competitors by name but that didn’t stop participants from doing it. And just as we had hoped they didn’t spare any revealing details of their entertainingly traumatic experiences. They called out the world's biggest energy drink brands, drowsiness, the shakes, sweaty pits, nervous sh!#$; you name it, they claimed it. Jack stitched the most amusing ones on TikTok, hilariously evaluating them to award cash and MiO Energy.


We engaged Gen Z energy drink consumers with an unexpected offer tailored specially to them. Our call-to-action exploited the functions of TikTok to get them to participate and contribute to the campaign. Hundreds of “claims” were submitted (exceeding our target number of entries by 15%). The invaluable UGC featured true stories of Gen Z roasting our competitors and asking for MiO’s help. Millions of TikTokers watched Jack evaluate the claims awarding damages.

MiO gained over 1,000 TikTok followers in the first six days of the campaign (over 1000% higher than average growth rate). It turned the industry’s problem into our publicity while positioning MiO Energy as the crash-free alternative to energy drinks.

-330% above average watch time on our TikTok videos

-14+ million social engagements in six days

-54% lower cost per engagement than campaign benchmark

-23% increase in MiO sales

-70+ million earned media impressions

-100% positive press coverage

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