Cannes Lions


FIGMENT, Mexico City / CRAYOLA / 2015

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We recommended moving into the fast growing mobile space. Specifically we choose iOS and Android platforms as our targets.

We created a multigame app featuring the three toys selected for promotion. An augmented reality feature we developed in-house would be added in 2015. Interstitial ads and push notifications would be used to communicate the existence of real versions of the toys.

An install campaign was begun in November 2014 during which different design, creative lines and ad platforms were tested. We used the most successful ad versions during the all important Christmas season with a small ad spend.


* Goal 1 objective: Mid-single digit growth


Our clients achieved double digit growth for the year on included products, surpassing all expectations. Many retailers throughout the country sold out.

* Goal 2: Increase brand exposure and engagement


Including all versions and platforms, the app has been installed over 130,000 times. In the itunes store, the app achieved the #3 rank for the Games:Simulation subcategory and a a #27 rank in the Top Overall list (Mexico store).

Moreover, the average app session throughout all platforms was 5.74 minutes. This translates to about 7 years of user-time to date, all with intense branding for Crayola.

Our own interstitial ads have been displayed over half a million times within the app. This in addition to the almost 60,000,000 impressions our install campaign accrued.

All in all, a large branding success on a tight media budget.

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