Cannes Lions
No matter how crazy the idea, GoDaddy supports small businesses and helps them succeed.
In this particular 2-minute online video, we meet Johanna, a woman who, despite being told she’s crazy for trying, defies the odds and launches her business, Hats for Cats. Using the tools and services of GoDaddy she finds success with her outlandish business idea.
The film is two minutes long, and told through intentional black comedy in a documentary style. A devoted small business owner talks us through her latest venture, which is going gangbusters thanks to GoDaddy’s help.
Given the high propensity to watch online videos, this film was seeded in a number of different locations. It was placed on GoDaddy’s YouTube channels in the US and Canada, and given the high incidence of using social network sites (via PCs at work) the video was also pushed out through Facebook.
The video was also housed within the GoDaddy site, and on a microsite showcasing the Cats With Hats business. It launched on April 11 2016.
At the time of entry, the work had been in market less than two weeks. Given the objectives are to shift the perception of the brand, it’s a little early to gauge its effect.
However, early research has revealed that, after exposure to the video, significant shifts were seen in statements such as “a brand that supports small business” and “has expertise to help people with their business.”
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