Cannes Lions



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Agustin RehermanMatias GalimbertiMoracio AlcarazFrancisco Espostido Blue campaign was aimed to a target composed by adults, 25-44, ABC1, who like new challenges, are open – minded, unique, entrepreneurs, high users of technology, open to try new things, cool. To get an effective communication, we had to create a new brand personality for Blue, establishing a clear difference with the classic American Express positioning. (narrow - minded, traditionalist). But, at the same time, we had to migrate Amex´s most valuable attributes to this new credit card. Due to the initial problem established in brief, we developed a differential strategy creating a strong synergy between creative executions and media, in a “flat and traditional” category, creating buzz (Surprise Blue Target as a media concept). We focused in generating a huge impact and reaching the core target in their environment, using each media in a different way.

- The campaign was launched whit a special musical show, developed specially for the Blue launching. It had a full contemporary Argentinean plot, music score, staging, and dynamic lighting relevant to the target. The best channel ranked in rating to the target telecast “Dream in Blue”.- Cinema: Spots and promotions in theatres (free tickets, screenings, etc.)- Radio: Spots, on air mentions and delivery of free tickets for Dream in Blue.- On line: Creative executions traditional and non-traditional: Skyscrapper with multilinks, drop down banner, video banner.- Magazines: non-traditional inserts (Handkerchief, Pop Up, Blue Jean)- Newspapers: Special size ads.- Outdoor: Non-traditional executions based on TV commercials. We negotiated special executions with each vendor. We also have developed the non-traditional ideas (Outdoor – Magazines – Subway), generated add values (special placements in open TV breaks, screenings and free tickets in Cinema), negotiated a partnership with the most important parent company in Argentina (Grupo Clarín) to communicate all things related to the event and the ticket delivery. Blue is a new kind of credit card. It was aimed to a target absolutely different to the traditional Amex target. It was launched in March 2001, implicating a huge challenge: we had to reach a new target that had never been considered by Amex before. On one hand, their perception about Amex products was negative, i.e. “conservative”, “it makes you think not anybody can get this card”, “too solemn”, “it’s a myth”, “it’ very institutional”, “it doesn’t represent me”, “it’s for people above 40”. On the other hand, a recessive market meant a drop in sales, in the consumption in general terms, in the credit card usage as a way of buying. Therefore, Amex´s card members objective, became a goal hardly to achieve.

With global patterns, we developed a media strategy focused on the media usage in a different and dynamic way. Through the execution of the media plan, we helped to build the blue positioning generating affinity, differentiation and identification.With a minimum budget, we created “buzz” in a traditional brand category, with a high impact and non-traditional media usage.The number of cards achieved exceeded the goals. The figures show the success of this campaign. Besides, we contributed to a brand image change for Amex: Blue card members say Amex is for “younger people, modern, innovative, and flexible”.


We negotiated special executions with each vendor. We also have developed the non-traditional ideas (Outdoor – Magazines – Subway), generated add values (special placements in open TV breaks, screenings and free tickets in Cinema), negotiated a partnership with the most important parent company in Argentina (Grupo Clarín) to communicate all things related to the event and the ticket delivery.

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