Cannes Lions

Cyberbullying: Not Okay


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Hateful comments stick to your body, even if it doesn’t show. We decided to bring these words to life – by painting them on to the skin of YouTuber Amalie Olsen. Through an interactive website promoted by Amalie herself, we gave teenagers a chance to erase the hate from Amalie's body by clicking on the comments and sharing the message in their preferred social media channels. And just as cyberbullying often happens under the radar of parents, the first part of the campaign happened without them ever knowing about it. That's why we got top politicians, including the prime minister, to comment on the overwhelming engagement and to address the issue to the parents.


Phase one of the campaign, targeting teenagers, was launched by influencer Amalie Olsen in her own channels – mainly on YouTube. It led the target group to the interactive website, where they helped Amalie to get rid of the hateful comments and learned more about cyberbullying and ways to cope with it. From there, other influencers and regular people started to upload Instagram selfies of faces covered in hateful language. In the second phase of the campaign, prime minister Erna Solberg agreed to comment on Amalie's stunt and become a spokesperson for the issue, through a video targeting parents on Facebook. She shared the video herself, as did her colleagues in the government.

Next step was the influencer Amalie visiting schools talking about the hate speech-issue. As we managed to get two ministers to join her in a visit, the PR continued on to national broadcast news.


40 % of the target group of 13 to 17 year olds engaged in the campaign, removing hateful language from Amalie's interactive body and sharing the Not Okay-message in social media. Each user spent and average of 4 minutes and 51 seconds on the campaign site, taking action and learning more about how to tackle cyberbullying. Amalie's YouTube videos on the subject made 6.4 times more engagement in the target group than her usual videos. Moreover, the campaign had a total reach of 900.000 on Instagram, leading to more than 100.000 likes.

In a country of 5 million, half of the Norwegian population was exposed to the campaign through the media, and on Facebook the video starring prime minister Erna Solberg got 450.000 views. The campaign had a 2.2 million reach on social media. Also, the Minister of Education and the Minister of Children and Equality engaged in the movement.