Cannes Lions


KONG , Amsterdam / MINISTRY OF JUSTICE / 2010

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The Dutch Ministry of Justice commissioned us to create a campaign aimed specifically at young citizens to raise awareness about cybercrime in a way that is relevant to them. 85% of Dutch youngsters have a profile on social network Hyves, which they use on a daily basis. We created a frightenly realistic 'ambush' on Hyves: a tailor-made, personalized action video in which you could trick your friends by sending the Cybermaffia after them. In just 7 days, the campaign was viewed over 5 million times and sent-to-friends over 7 million times, making it the most popular social-media viral campaign in the Netherlands ever.


We went live by posting a link on Twitter on a Wednesday. This spread and resulted in 54,661 page-views for the first day and 2,505,690 page-views for the following Friday. By then the campaign was picked up by all leading on and offline news channels in the Netherlands. In just seven days the viral was sent around 7,014,285 times, viewed 5,113,115 times and had over 2500 visits per second on peaks. Because of the viral effect people sometimes received the ‘You are more famous than you think!’ message more than 20 times in just a few days. This seismic impact let us reach our goals quickly and to avoid negative response we decided to send Stanislav home a lot sooner than we thought we would. Our plan was to start media after two weeks of going live so we were quite lucky we could cancel all media-buy and seeding.


We went live by releasing a single link on Twitter on a Wednesday. This spread and resulted in 54,661 page-views for the first day and 2,505,690 page-views for the following Friday. On Friday the campaign was picked up by all leading on and offline news channels and main item in NOS Kids News (Jeugdjournaal) in the evening. In just seven days the viral was sent-to-friends 7,014,285 times and viewed 5,113,115 times, making it the biggest social media viral campaign in the Netherlands ever (total Dutch population is 16,500,000). Mediabuy was € 2,500 (Hyves minisite), with free-publicity valued at € 1,200,000.

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