Cannes Lions

DATA GATE _The World’s First NASA AI Astronomical Research Data Sculpture Public


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Through the Kepler, after 9 years in space collecting data that revealed our night sky to be filled with billions of hidden worlds. It has expanded our dreams and visions. The Data Gate installation consists of 3 parts; Form, Light and Space. Light is the world’s first artwork based upon the idea of utilization of Machine Learning in the context of space discovery and astronomical research through NASA’s Kepler Data Sets. By using the Kepler data from NASA, the public will be able to observe the exoplanets [planets that orbit around other stars] which human life can exist in.By taking this concept one step further, Ouchhh aims for this artwork to be considered as a gate between our planet and other habitable planets around the universe.


Ouchhh visualized and stylized the findings of these Neural Networks for identifying exoplanets using the dimming of the flux. The resulting work invited visitors to plunge into the fascinating world of space discovery through immersive data sculpture. The installation offers a poetic sensory experience and becomes a monument of mankind’s contemplative curiosity and profound need for exploration. Data Gate by Ouchhh New Media studio, proposes an aesthetic approach to Artificial Intelligence powered exploration of the Kepler Data. .We collaborate with Dawn Gelino from NASA for the Data Gate project. Dawn Gelino is an astrophysicist for NASA, exploring the diversity and habitability of exoplanets through a multi-disciplinary approach. The data of the Kepler mission is a very large spreadsheet comprised of information dedicated to the detected exoplanets. Each table in these spreadsheets contains around a hundred columns. This data doesn’t readily make these planets detectable, but various AI methods have been used to analyze and extract planetary data from these light curves. Due to its complexity and size, it is impossible to visualize these as is. So we propose an AI-based approach to interpret and aestheticize this information. Our aim is to analyze this data through AI, strictly for an alternative, visual representation of this data. We utilized is called “dimensionality reduction”, Recurrent Neural Networks and GAN type network. We utilized a more unconventional solution of treating the light curves as images: using the plots they produce to train a GAN for image generation. The results have led us to further explore the possibilities of creative applications of AI. Data Gate is a permanent 360 LED sculpture commissioned by the Chinese government, located in Jiangbei New Area. R&D process lasted 9 months, the production process is completed in 2 months. (The installation weighs 15 tons)