Cannes Lions

DHL Flags

HORIZON FCB, Dubai / DHL / 2021

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Digital Proof JPG
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DHL’s brand tag line is, “Excellence, simply delivered.” And this is what they provide to their customers, excellent service and express deliveries.

We wanted to ‘simply deliver’ this message to DHL’s target audience in a way that is visually arresting, can create a conversation, and can make everyone clearly understand with just one look that DHL is a fast delivery company.


As a logistics company, the DHL audience is used to seeing more direct communication. We wanted to break this mold, and create a design that spoke on a more touching level with our target audience. And what do people from around the world with immediately connect with? Their flags.

By taking different flags with similar designs from around the world and placing them side by side, we can show simply and visually that DHL is truly an international delivery company.


DHL Flags places two world flags of similar designs next to each other, visually showing that with DHL there are no borders, they can deliver anywhere, fast.

It was important to select the perfect pairs of flags to effectively show our visual design. We spent time to compare, contrast and develop the simplest way to show our insight to our target audience.

The DHL Flag posters were launched in DHL stores around the region. Depending on the geographical area we displayed the posters, we selected the most appropriate flag designs, to really make sure that our audience connected with the designs.


DHL’s tag line is “Excellence, simply delivered” and with our DHL Flag posters we wanted to add value to the brand by reinforcing this. We also wanted to make sure that DHL stood out in a market place where communications can start to look similar. The attention-grabbing Flag posters, were instantly noticeable and got people talking about DHL from an international perspective and a design perspective.

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