Spikes Asia



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Case Film
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With increasing competition in the car care product category, Armor All needed to bring the shine back to their brand. They needed to reinforce the fact that they have a range of car care products that works amazingly to clean and shine your car. With a limited budget.


Malaysia has over 11.4 million abandoned cars. They are left covered in dirt and grime at public parking spaces on road shoulders, malls, offices, and apartments.

We saw an opportunity to turn these ugly sights into beautiful unconventional outdoor sites which truly showed that Armor All works.

We identified abandoned cars at high-traffic public areas and got detailers to give them a good wash and shine with Armor All products.

The results were clean and shiny car bodies, juxtaposed against the reminiscence of the cars’ old abandoned condition: flat tyres, clamped wheel, stolen parts, cracked windows, missing wheels etc., turning these sights for sore eyes into eye-catching sites that showcased the effectiveness of Armor All in a visually interesting way.

This idea showed people that if Armor All can restore the shine of old abandoned cars, it can easily rejuvenate the appearance of their vehicles.


For people who care for their cars, they find pleasure in cleaning their cars themselves. It gives them a great sense of satisfaction to see their car spotlessly clean at the end of it.

To get them to believe that Armor All can help them achieve that beautiful shine, there’s no better way than to show them that Armor All works perfectly to their favour.

We believed that if we are able to find a way to present the target with a product demonstration in a fresh new way, we will win their hearts and wallets.

And the idea of using old and dirty abandoned cars at public parking spaces in the cities as media spaces to target car owners seem to be unconventional yet strategic.


We identified abandoned cars in major cities across the country. We targeted high-traffic areas and looked out for abandoned rides with obvious imperfections like flat tyres, clamped wheel, stolen parts, broken windows, missing wheels etc. Then sent out teams of detailers to give them a good wash and shine.

The results were clean and shiny looking car bodies, juxtaposed against the reminiscence of the cars’ old abandoned condition: flat tyres, clamped wheel, stolen parts, cracked windows, missing wheels etc.

Large, eye-catching orange removable car stickers branded with Armor All were pasted onto the cars with a window that frames the car’s original dirty condition.

A QR code on the sticker led people to Armor All’s online store. While an online video created from the activation amplified our message on social channels.


These are results gathered from Armor All’s brand tracker and e-commerce data:

Visits to online store: +59% (month on month)

Trial Rate: 318% above target.

Conversion Rate: 60% of car owners preferred Armor All.