Cannes Lions



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This unconventional product launch was not just about creating awareness. It was about asking consumers to create a Dog GIF Party and then share it. As a result, the brand built awareness not through traditional advertising, but through something much more compelling - the consumer activated sharing of their creation.

And the kicker? Consumers promoted this product willingly - with no prizing or dangling carrot – but simply for the pure joy of creating and sharing their party. Others, who saw their friends’ creations, in turn were inspired to do the same. And it snowballed from there. All of it was expressed through the ever-present call to action: SHARE YOUR PARTY! As a result, this drew a measurable increase in sales.


The millions of party possibilities led to endless consumer-generated Dog GIF Party combinations, and they spread like wildfire. And with our Misfits messaging baked right in, the internet unwittingly shared this “Trojan-Horse style” advertising like crazy.

Bloggers took a liking to it too. From tons of dog bloggers to industry bloggers to pubs like Strategy and Digital Arts - everyone was in on the GIF party action.

All of this helped get even bigger results than expected from our small budget:

• Earned media extended our paid reach by 22%

• 23% of unique visitors created their own Dog GIF Party – exceeding the conversion projections by 460%

• Over 50% of users shared their dog gif parties exceeding client objectives by over 300%

• And sales went up by 84% while our campaign was in market

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