Cannes Lions

Doing Well by Doing Good - Life Below Water


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CNBC Catalyst developed a multi-platform, global campaign called ‘Doing Well by Doing Good’ (DWBDG), aligned to the UN’s 17 SDGs. 17 immersive chapters featured 3 components: the SDG; the innovator/entrepreneur meeting the SDG; UBS thought-leadership on investment opportunity. Each chapter comprised video (60”); in-depth entrepreneurial interviews; investment analysis; infographics or event piece. CNBC Catalyst targeted sophisticated investors; Mashable targeted an aspirational audience.

DWBDG chapter launches aligned to the UN’s calendar. CNBC Catalyst filmed contributors -from unknown dynamic disrupters to world-famous philanthropic ambassadors e.g. Matt Damon and, SDG Clean Water.

CNBC's Life Below Water: An Ocean of Opportunity chapter first launched on 8.06.17, World Oceans Day. It showcases award-winning entrepreneur Boyan Slat, Ocean Cleanup, striving to reduce ocean plastic pollution and features UBS Global Visionary Nishan Degnarain, Chair of WEF Ocean Special Initiative, urging investment in the SDG. Mashable simultaneously hosted a live ‘BizChat’ and content across its global platforms.


The campaign launched on 8th June 2017 across CNBC global platforms - TV (EMEA, ASIA, US feeds), digital ( and social (CNBC Facebook and Twitter). Mashable launched articles, video and social activity across its Facebook and Twitter platforms including core news, Mashable UK, Business, Future Shift, Social Good and Brand X.

CNBC Catalyst placements - TV - 30 and 60 second spots; – 60 videos, 800 word articles and infographics. Rich media formats included home page takeovers, traffic drivers – co-branded banners and MPUs (run of site on; mobile display leaderboards and MPUs; 30 second pre-roll videos aligned to relevant core editorial news; Facebook/Twitter posts plus immersive NBC Universal VOX Athena units. Scale: CNBC activity reached 7.1M HNWI and 274M global households.

Mashable generated a youthful, more accessible angle on Life Below Water by launching long-form thought-leadership articles, social posts, plus a live Biz Chat on the topic.


The core objectives of DWBDG - to increase UBS brand familiarity and favourability – were measured via a GlobalWebIndex quantitative campaign. 1,140 online interviews revealed: 22% increase in brand familiarity and 71% increase in favorability. On advancing the SDGs: 85% of respondents also agreed “I am more interested in the SDGs and sustainable investment” as a result of viewing DWBDG. GWI respondents commented “The campaign highlights that sustainability can be achieved together with investing.” CNBC Catalyst’s activity exceeded KPIs: video plays – target: 850K, actual: 2,153,473 (253%); content page views – target: 220K, actual: 548,265 (140%). CNBC reach: 7.1M investors/274 households.

Mashable generated 114,816 page views with 20210 engagements.

Thanks to CNBC Catalyst/Mashable partnership, Life Below Water activity achieved 116K total engagements. Boyan Slat re-tweeted DWBDG to 33.5K followers. UBS achieved 1,393 combined quality investment leads. The total DWBDG campaign achieved 62.6M impressions, providing the SDGs with unparalleled global exposure.

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