Cannes Lions
BUZZMAN, Paris / 30 MILLIONS D'AMIS / 2017
The scenes are reversed so everything happens backwards.
In the first scene we can see a man in a coma on a hospital bed, his wife at his side. A dog is lying next to the bed. The man starts to move and the dog immediately feels it and barks.
The following scenes show us, backwards, everything that happened to lead to the hospital : the man being rushed into the hospital on a stretcher ; being put in an ambulance ; lying on the road next to a burning car ; having a car accident… In each of these scenes, the dog is next to the man, trying to help him, wake him up, never leaving him one second.
At a key moment in the film, we understand that the man had the car accident after abandoning his dog in the forest, and that the dog just never gave up on
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