Cannes Lions

Don't Learn Off Randoms

BBC CREATIVE, London / BBC / 2024

Presentation Image
Case Film
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We had to get more teens studying for exams to revise with BBC Bitesize. But the problem was, many of them were turning to YouTube or Wikipedia to assist their revision. Our brief was to make Bitesize feel more relevant to teens, get them using it more, to ultimately help more teens get the best results possible in their GCSE exams.


Don’t Learn Off Randoms creatively uses social media to make students think twice about where they get their information from in the run-up to exams. By using the language of young people and tapping into topics of misinformation popularised on social, the slogan is both a warning and call to action that memorably points teens towards the far more trustworthy revision resource, BBC Bitesize.


Data showed that more teens were going to places like YouTube and Wikipedia for their revision, but the truth was, sites like these couldn’t be trusted with something as important as exams. Our strategy was to call out the untrustworthy competition to teens, and position Bitesize as an exam-board-approved revision partner they could trust. And with insight showing that social media was where our 15-17 year old audience spend their time but also where misinformation thrived, it was the perfect place to deliver our message.


In a mock social film style, we open on a thumb-stopping character speaking directly to camera. In one-shot, we pan out to reveal more of the character’s personality and location. They begin spouting a theory of misinformation, slowly drawing the viewer into their bizarre world. Then, the antidote arrives, a phone displaying BBC Bitesize comically enters the frame, heroically taking out the misinformed character and pointing students to a far more trustworthy resource, BBC Bitesize.


90% reach amongst target audience of 15–17-year-olds.

80 million impacts.

23% increase in new Bitesize users

1 Flat Earther crushed.

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