Cannes Lions
MCCANN1886, Sandton / CELL C (MOBILE NETWORK) / 2019
Cellphones can be a doorway that connect kids to others worlds and people that they should not know about. Chatrooms, messaging apps, dating apps and so much more on their phones can let the wrong people into their lives. We showed this in a literal sense.
Cultural/Context information for the jury
Cell C are a Telco in South Africa and have a platform called “Use it Right” which is designed to help consumers use their cellphones and data responsibly. Communication on this platform has included ‘don’t text and drive’, ‘switch to silent in the movies’, ‘turn safesearch on for kids’ & ‘Think before you friend’.
The visual in these print adverts depict the dangers of friending someone who may not be who they say they are. This is visually brought to life by photographing a child in their very innocent room. Photographing a suspicious characters living space and creating a portal by depicting the doorway as a cell phone. The suspicious character has stepped through the doorway into the child’s room adding to the mood of the visual.
To juxtapose the two worlds, Dark vs Light. The innocence of the child’s room is realized by the innocent colors, childlike props and order. In contrast the intruders living space is cluttered and graded to be more sinister.
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