Cannes Lions
We architected a global communication strategy to launch the campaign with minimal paid media support. The core of our strategy was to position the film as a social experiment and thus ignite a conversation around women’s self-perception.
The Dove Movement for self-esteem invites all women to join in creating a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. To meet this ambition, Dove tackled the biggest barrier to women feeling beautiful: their own self-perception.
While most womens’ communications impose an image for women to follow, our experiment did the opposite. It asked women to confront their own self-image. It proved to women that they were wrong about their self-perception. It inspired women to recognize their real beauty.
Women’s self-perception became the content of conversations on mainstream media, blogs and social networks:
Major US, UK and Australia broadcast networks cover
Featured on the Today Show, Good Morning America, NBC news.
14 CNN and HLN segments.
4 New York Times feature stories
2 Wall Street Journal online stories
Articles in The Independent, The Guardian and The Telegraph.
6 Huffington post articles
Leading millions of women to get involved in the Dove conversation
4th most shared ad of all time on Youtube with 98% Likes
3.1 million aggregate shares on Facebook
611.238 new Dove fans
240 Million Twitter impressions
Responsible for 90% of video content shares within its peer group category.
CTR 2.56% vs industry banner standards of 0.05%
1663 posts
Brand’s social activity:
All of which impacted the brand’s relationship with consumers:
· 14368% increase on daily rate of tweets about the brand
· 1652% increase in Dove Channel subscribers
· 4.3 million clicks through to the Dove site
· Brand search volumes online increased up to 5 times across markets.
· Brand passion went up over 1000%
· Dove advocates increased activity by 350%
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