Spikes Asia


VICE, Melbourne / DUREX / 2018

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Durex’s objective was to drive condom usage and brand love, by inspiring and empowering Australian millennials to enjoy sex safely.

Durex identified that STI rates in Australia have been on the rise, and the statistics for sexual health in Australia leave a lot of room for improvement. In some instances STI cases had more than doubled within the past decade. But despite more open discussion around the broader topic of sex, the means of communication and education around STIs have remained much the same.

To contribute positively to the safe sex revolution, Durex needed to talk to young people in a way welcomed by that audience. By capturing the youth audience in a voice that resonates with them, Durex had the opportunity to create future brand loyals.

Enter our platform, the media company that commands millennials attention. Durex enlisted us to lead the research and conversation around safe sex practices.


The survey began with a call out to audiences across our network. Conducted over two weeks, 402 panel responses from general population (recruited by Toluna), and 1,962 our audience samples (recruited from custom branded callout banners and web audience retargeting on Facebook) were collected.

We released the survey findings in an article across our website, and used the answers and insights from the our audience sample group to inform a 3-part native social video series, presented by Durex: Sexplanations.

The video was an insight driven social series, casting a positive light on themes related to sex that spoke directly to youth in a language they understand and trust.

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