Cannes Lions
INDIE, Amsterdam / DOMINO'S PIZZA / 2012
Cultural Explanation:Holland is Europe’s most densely populated country. With 16m people and 19m bicycles.
Challenge:In Holland Domino’s started delivering pizza’s on electric scooters. Unfortunately these became a growing safety problem. People and especially cyclists simply did not hear them coming. Domino’s now doubted they should continue the project.Desired Outcome:• Make a positive contribution to the safety of their drivers, Dutch cyclists and pedestrians.• Open a discussion about road safety of electric scooters.
• Enhance Domino’s worldwide position as a positive and fun, but also responsible and innovative brand.
Insight:Corporate responsibility doesn’t stop at lower emissions. Road safety is just as important especially if you drive almost 15m kilometres a year through busy city centres.
So, instead of stopping the electrical scooters we decided to do just the opposite.Idea:We used a human voice and created a branded engine sound to warn cyclists and pedestrians. In the typical rhythm of a normal scooter engine the voice tells us Dodododomino’s is approaching and their pizza’s are mmm tasty.This way we didn’t damage Domino’s responsible corporate image. In fact, we took the best of two worlds: being good to the environment and to the people on the street.PR:Our PR plan was targeted at 2 different kinds of media:• Journalists of ‘serious’ press to start opening the discussion in Holland.• Bloggers and other online media to spread the idea and the discussion to Domino’s target group worldwide.2 simple press releases and a short demonstration film were enough to skyrocket the idea.
We used a human voice and created a branded engine sound to warn cyclists and pedestrians. In the typical rhythm of a normal scooter engine the voice tells us Dodododomino’s is approaching and their pizza’s are mmm tasty.This way we didn’t damage Domino’s responsible corporate image. In fact, we took the best of two worlds: being good to the environment and to the people on the street.A simple press release for offline and online press and a short demonstration film were enough to skyrocket the idea, at first only for national press, but soon via blogs to spread the debate internationally.In the meantime all Safe Sound scooters were driving the streets daily: making deliveries, warning people and gaining extra rumour around the idea.20 electric scooters will continue to warn other road users every day in the cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Groningen. The number will only be growing.
• All cyclists and pedestrians directly noticed our scooters and responded very positive.• PR coverage took our scooters and a discussion about road safety of electrical scooters all over the news, at first nationally (TV, printed press, online), but soon, via thousands of blogs and social media shares, all over the world.• Trending topic on YouTube (1.5m views in 4 days), Twitter, Holland’s most popular talkshow and on all local social media.• A very positive social opinion (97,6% 'likes').• 20 electric scooters will continue to warn other road users every day and the number will only be growing.• Costs: €12,500 - Media Value: more than €2,000,000. No accidents so far: priceless.• Ten days after the launch of our Safe Sound the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure realised the positive potential of our idea and announced a concept law about sounds on electric scooters.
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