Cannes Lions
PAGÉS BBDO, Santo Domingo / LA SIRENA / 2016
Only 10% of abused women report their offender due to fear or shame. 90% of them remain silent. We knew we had to provoke a nation and make them talk about this deadly issue. But how could the brand start the conversation? A unique negotiation with the country's most influential women made them the ambassadors for this cause by speaking on behalf of those who couldn't be heard while bringing up violence against women center stage. Audience became witnesses.
On November 25th 2015, we created a live action on TV's highest rated programs. At the beginning of each show, the host appeared physically abused but acting normal. A Twitter feed was placed on screen to see people's reaction. The more people talked about it on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook, the less bruised she would appear. During commercial breaks the make-up team would diminish the bruises triggered by the public’s reaction. On real time, every host posted her bruised picture on her social media profile, no message explaining what had happened. As the TV show ended, without any bruises every host addressed the reason she looked battered during the program and profiles, questioning why so many people spoke out for them, but go silent with abused victims. We also provided the telephone number for Línea Vida, the free of charge hotline to report cases of violence against women.
-The action generated a firestorm of reactions, people demanding to know what happened to these women. Within minutes, thousands of posts flooded social networks.
-The most prominent personalities in TV, entertainment, journalism, media and sports talked about the action online and live TV.
-More than USD$200,000 were generated on free press.
-Thousands of voices joined in on the brand's conversation about the importance of a nation that will no longer tolerate violence against women generating brand awareness for La Sirena.
-In 2015, the National Statistics Organization of Dominican Republic reported a 4% decrease in femicides compared to 2014.
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