Cannes Lions
Nobody can possibly imagine the day there’s no more hunger, the day the rights of all children are respected, the day when Unicef is no longer needed. But Unicef really can imagine that day. And to convince the world it is possible, we made this future come true. We closed our offices for a whole day, shut down our website and our social media, and put all Unicef goods and offices up for sale. So everyone could imagine the end of Unicef. And if you can imagine something, you can make it come true. Help us. End Unicef.
On March 7th of 2017, at 9 o’clock in the morning, we posted the hashtag #ENDUNICEF on their Twitter account, shut down their website and their social media and remained silent. The hashtag became instantly a trending topic. 48 hours later we held a press conference explaining the concept and unveiling the rest of the campaign, including a TV ad, print, outdoor, etc. Since then, we made one digital or guerrilla activation per week, like putting all Unicef goods and offices up for sale using online ads in second hand apps such as Wallapop and real estate webs such as Fotocasa. We also aired 10” ads with Spanish celebrities such as Pau Gasol , David Bisbal or Nieves Alvarez asking for fundraising through a specific phone number and our website (
The Hashtag #ENDUNICEF was a trending topic the whole day (03/07/2017) in Spain. Over 250 Million Impressions. A reach of 50 Million. Our commercial get 1 million views on Facebook. And featured in all digital media.
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