Cannes Lions
Y&R BRAZIL, Sao Paulo / CEPIA / 2018
In this three-film campaign, we see three photos of historical past-moments of humanity: the fall of the Berlin Wall; a troop from the American Civil-War; and the astronauts who first landed on the moon. In all the films, we see the photos being manipulated on an image editing software, until all the men in the photos are turned into women. The Super in the end of the films explains: (Civil-War) “Equality. A fight that should be in the past.” (Berlin Wall) “Equality. A cause that should be in the past”. (First astronauts in the moon) “Equality. An achievement that should be in the past”. Enters logo of Cepia, which fights for women’s rights.
The films aired on TV and were uploaded on Cepia’s website. Also, Cepia presented the campaign on its events and seminars, setting the mood before making in-depth analysis and discussions about the issue.
Cepia’s site traffic had a significant increase, helping the NGO to spread its projects and seminars. As well as the discussion of gender equality in Brazil in the media.
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