Cannes Lions



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Each year during Christmas, Czech mobile operators roll out their most impressive advertising-campaigns, always building upon traditional Christmas values. But what can you do once you have used pretty much all the symbols of Christmas in your advertising and when you feel that people are getting annoyed by Christmas marketing in early November? Moreover, what if the product you have to promote is fast mobile internet? There is only one chance: you go to Easter, and claim that people can be one step ahead if they use your high speed mobile internet. And how do you draw attention to the campaign with PR? During the night, you let a giant 145 kg Easter egg appear on a serious historic site, visible from virtually the whole city-centre. And you make sure that people spread the word both online and offline. Then the media publish the story with large photos of the giant Easter eggs. Next you send them an email mentioning the egg from an anonymous address created in Gmail.


A larger than life Easter egg, weighing 145 kg and made from polystyrene, was installed secretly during the late hours with the help of a 24-tonne crane. The capital city woke up to a surprise. In the morning, people as well as media started taking pictures and began to wonder. We let the news about the Easter egg spread around freely. Officially owning up to the stunt during a press conference won us double coverage. During the 4 days of the installation, the egg created a considerable buzz among the public, which later spread to social networks and to the media. Many people took pictures of the giant egg over the city, posted them on their social networks and shared it with their peers. The stunt succeeded in drawing attention to the ATL campaign itself and consequently boosted the sales of mobile data. We did not claim responsibility for the stunt until the press conference.


About 250,000 people saw the egg from trams, cars, Charles Bridge or other bridges and streets close to the installation. A cover-article with a half-page photo was published in a Prague regional daily, and about 20 articles were published in key regions and telco online-servers with large photo galleries. More than 10,000 people viewed the video on YouTube. 30,245 people were reached by our social-media, hundreds of them commented on the post. 69% more customers have started using daily mobile-data tariffs after the campaign. 35% more customers started using monthly mobile data-tariffs after the campaign.

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