Cannes Lions

Federico's Sweater


Case Film
Case Film
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A Christmas it is always discussed the importance of giving, this time we wanted to differentiate from the rest and we decided to talk about how important is also to receive. We dressed the most serious journalist of the channel with a very colourful jumper and, instantly, he was the target of mockery on social media and the press. A few days later, the journalist made a statement saying that he did not mind the mockeries since the jumper was a gift from his mother-in-law and he gave us this message: the most important aspect of a gift is not only the love with which it has been given but also the love when receiving it. From that moment onward, the mockeries turn into apologies and congratulations.


• Engagement

- Trending topic 3 days in a row

- 267 588 interactions. The action and Christmas message was replicated in other programs.

- The message became a content platform for other programs in our channel: news, competence programs and series (“Al fondo hay sitio”, the most viewed series in Peru)

• Impact

- 13 million of impressions

- More than 1.4 million in free press


- Trending topic 3 days in a row

- 13 million of impressions

- 267 588 interactions

- More than 1.4 million in free press

- The action and Christmas message was replicated in other programs

- The message became a content platform for other programs in our channel: news, competence programs and series.

- The jumper and its message became famous, it was useful as a content topic during several episodes of “Al Fondo Hay Sitio” (Peruvian soap-opera), the series with the highest rating in Peru.

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