Cannes Lions
JWT NEW ZEALAND, Auckland / FORD / 2010
We created a purpose-built Bebo destination that all youth-targeted communications drove to and lived within. Bebo at that time was New Zealand’s most popular social network.
Content was created for the Bebo site via 3-minute music interviews developed in partnership with a TV network as part of NZ Music Month. Plus blogs and fansites. Content was also added through uploads of virtual test drives created at interactive car displays in shopping malls. 60-second teaser cut-downs of the musician interviews were aired on national television driving to the complete interview within the Bebo environment. This was supported via a competition where elements were promoted on targeted websites and magazine placement.
A separate Fiesta microsite was built to which all consumer group messages were directed. A more traditional media channel strategy was utilised to reach this 45-65 year-old audience – finely targeted TV, print, press, cinema and online.
100% growth in Ford’s share of the small car market108% growth in likeability (83% likeability post-launch vs. 40% likeability pre-launch.) Consideration grew by 300% (score 82.6% - up from 28% )95% would now recommend Fiesta a brand they would recommend to a friend.Sales figures 8% over forecast in a segment that was down 26%ATG “Bebo-Fiesta Poll” research, 2009TNS conversa “Ford Market Monitor Report”, 2008TNS conversa “Ford Market Monitor Report”, 2008ATG “Bebo-Fiesta Poll” research, 2009
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