Cannes Lions

Fireproof Newspaper


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From November 2020 to April 2021, La Comarca Andina, located in the Argentine Patagonia, experienced the most destructive wildfires in its history. More than 40,000 hectares of forest, more than 400 houses and 3 human lives were lost. In March 2021, the Andean Region was considered a disaster area by the National Congress.

Our objective was to make visible the igneous catastrophe that was occurring in Patagonia Argentina at a national level, generating awareness and prevention. At the same time, we needed to generate donations to Fundación Bomberos de Argentina, which were made through SeSocio's website.

The printing and fireproofing of the newspaper was done with a print run of 500 newspapers, distributed in La Comarca Andina. A group of towns with a total population of 37,000 inhabitants.

Also, copies were destined for distribution in national media and influencers.


We created the world's first fireproof newspaper.

Taking into account that 95% of fires are man-made and usually started with a simple newspaper, this special edition became the first newspaper that can tell news related to fire but never help to generate them.

Noticias de la Comarca is the newspaper where the fires originated.

Due to the pandemic, they had stopped publishing their printed version, but in view of the seriousness of the wildfires and the need to raise awareness and make the situation visible, they decided to print this special edition one time only.

The newspaper was chemically treated with a flame-retardant liquid so that it could not catch fire and thus raise awareness that any carelessness can generate a real catastrophe.

The initiative was promoted with the support of Sesocio, a company dedicated to investments in cryptocurrencies and Fundación Bomberos de Argentina, together with the newspaper.


Ninety-five percent of forest fires are man-made and we discovered a very strong insight: the vast majority of those fires are started with newsprint. This was our trigger to make people feel identified and understand the message of this newspaper that can tell news of fires, but not start them.

Although the newspaper was distributed among the population of the fire area where "Noticias de la Comarca" is located, this special firefighting edition was also aimed at a wider audience. In order to make the problem visible, it was distributed to national media and influencers to spread the awareness message throughout Argentina.

Our CTA was "Let's invest in our future, let's take care of our forests". A message that served to raise awareness and support the Firefighters of Argentina with donations.


We created the first fireproof newspaper in the world.

Due to the pandemic, Noticias de la Comarca had stopped printing, but due to the seriousness of wildfires and the need for visibility, they decided to print this edition one time only.

The edition was written in La Comarca Andina (Patagonia) in March but was printed in Buenos Aires, more than 1,500km away, because all the presses in the area had stopped printing. The newspapers were treated with a fireproof liquid, which made them impossible to catch fire, and were sent to La Comarca Andina.

With a circulation of 500 copies, they were distributed in that area. A group of towns with a total population of 37,000 inhabitants.

Copies were also distributed to national media and influencers who amplified the action.

The newspapers explained their fireproof condition on the front page and in a page ad inside.


The Fireproof Newspaper became the most commented and transcendental edition in the history of Noticias de la Comarca, Firefighters of Argentina achieved a great reach and an increase in its donations, and SeSocio managed to show as an investment platform that the most important thing is to invest in our future.

The consumer received an awareness message, which from the very first moment took as its own and shared on social media, helping us to increase the reach of the campaign.

We managed to get our message to digital, graphic and TV media in Argentina; we knew that this message has had a real reach and impact on people.

We decided this printed edition would be free of charge, and helped us increase donations to Firefighters of Argentina by up to 500%.

"Expert reports revealed that a poorly extinguished campfire brought about the forest fire at El Bolsón" RN Newspaper